University of Victoria
University of Victoria staff participate in an employee engagement event  

Recognized as one of BC's Top Employers (2025):

Here are some of the reasons why University of Victoria was selected as one of BC's Top Employers (2025):

  • University of Victoria hosts financial wellness weeks bi-annually to share resources on financial planning, as well as dedicated retirement planning seminars specifically geared towards employees retiring within a five year period (topics include retirement income, tax strategies, and estate planning)
  • University of Victoria makes the commute to work a little easier with transit subsidies and a carpool sign up program -- on campus, employees can enjoy a variety of dining options and take advantage of subsidized memberships to its on-site fitness facilities, featuring tennis, squash and badminton courts, a climbing centre, a multi-purpose field house and sports therapy clinic
  • University of Victoria encourages employees to continue their education with tuition subsidies for courses related and not directly related to their current position -- a number of in-house training initiatives are also offered, including mentoring and leadership development programs
University of Victoria employees take part in 'GoByBike' week   (Photo credit: John Holland)


    Industry Post secondary schools, university
    Established in Canada 1963
    Major Canadian locations Victoria BC
    Full-time employees in Canada 3,230
    Part-time employees in Canada 1,895
    Average age of employees in Canada 43.8 years
    Longest serving employee 52.7 years
    Benefits note University of Victoria has multiple employee groups, the following programs and policies may vary by position
    Flexible work options hybrid work option, flexible work hours, 35-hour work week (with full pay), compressed work week, shortened work week (fewer hours with less pay), telecommuting, reduced summer hours, earned days off program
    Long-term savings defined-benefit (DB) pension, defined-contribution (DC) pension
    Health plan premium as part of the health plan, the employer pays up to 75% of the premiums
    Mental health practitioner benefit up to $1,200 each year
    Maternity top-up (mothers) up to 95% of salary for 18 weeks
    Parental top-up (fathers) up to 95% of salary for 18 weeks
    Adoption top-up up to 95% of salary for 18 weeks
    Vacation allowance new employees receive 2 weeks of paid vacation after their first year on the job
    Outside survey period outside consultant surveys are held every 6 months
    Employee performance reviews employees receive individual performance reviews every 12 months
    In-house training initiatives in-house training, online training, mentoring, paid internships
    Tuition subsidies (related to job) yes
    Employee charitable involvement employees are involved in selection of charities, employees receive paid time off to volunteer

    Recognized as one of Canada's Greenest Employers (2024):

    Here are some of the reasons why University of Victoria was selected as one of Canada's Greenest Employers (2024):

    • University of Victoria supports a campus community garden with 90 plots and includes regular gardening workshops and a small bee apiary (managed in partnership with a local beekeeper) -- additionally, the university is pioneering the Edible Campus pilot project to introduce food plantings across the campus
    • University of Victoria manages the Revolving Sustainability Loan Fund that provides $250,000 to fund energy and water conservation projects on campus that are repaid through savings from utility or operating costs -- the fund is also then able to reinvest in additional sustainability projects on campus
    • University of Victoria's Campus Sustainability Fund supports employees, faculty, and students with financial assistance to implement their sustainability initiatives on campus -- over 25 approved projects have been approved, from hosting educational events to water and energy use reduction initiatives
    University of Victoria employee refills a reusable water bottle at an on-campus water refill machine  


      Industry Post secondary schools, university
      Major Canadian locations Victoria BC
      Full-time employees in Canada 3,185
      Part-time employees in Canada 1,958
      Employee green team Staff Sustainability Network (over 25 members representing 15 departments), sustainability advisory committee (comprised of employees, faculty and students), Climate Solutions Navigator Group, Res Green Team (open to students living in residence), Campus Planning Committee (advisory group that provides recommendations on the physical development of the campus), Cycling Advisory Committee, Campus Sustainability Fund
      Senior executive who oversees initiatives Director of Campus Planning and Sustainability
      Formal strategy/policy name University of Victoria Campus Plan (est. 2014), sustainability action plan, strategic framework 2018-2023 (encompasses 6 pillars including sustainable development)
      Publishes sustainability report yes
      Green highlights Campus Sustainability Fund (support for employee, student and faculty-inspired sustainability projects), Hybrid Waste-to-Energy pilot program, on-campus Dump and Run project and the Free Store (programs to collect usable goods for reuse and donation), Habitat for Humanity ReStore (Second-hand Shuffle event for collection of reusable furniture and household items for resale), 21 Days to Green Your Routine (sustainability challenge for employees and faculty), UVic Sustainability Champions Awards (for employees and undergraduate students), Fair Trade Campus designation, offers hundreds of graduate and undergraduate courses emphasizing sustainability across a range of disciplines (from ocean sciences to business to geography), Green Labs (programs to identify and reduce hazardous waste), ECO containers (reusable container program in the campus dining hall)
      Noteworthy initiatives campus community garden with 90 plots and includes regular gardening workshops and a bee apiary (managed in partnership with a local beekeeper), Edible Campus project (initiative to introduce food plantings across the campus), invasive species management and biodiversity enhancement projects (ongoing)
      Building footprint includes PV solar panels, rainwater collection, green roof, geothermal heating/cooling, electric vehicle charging stations, new campus building construction must meet LEED Gold (or better) certification standards, furniture sourcing policy (from zero-waste manufacturers, sustainably sourced wood to recyclable products), water bottle filling stations (ongoing program to upgrade water fountains), green cleaning systems
      Extended recycling organics, styrofoam, e-waste and small appliances, batteries, furniture, soft plastics (dedicated volunteers collect and deliver to an off-campus recycler), construction waste
      Commuter amenities formal campus cycling plan and cycling advisory committee, campus traffic survey (hosted every 2 years), BikeHub SPOKES program (refurbishes old bikes for loan to students and employees and hosts bike repair workshops), lockers for cyclists, adding electric vehicles to its fleet, car-sharing system (offers free $500 memberships for employees), parking for carpoolers, Bike to Work Week (community sponsor), walk to public transit, secure/sheltered bicycle parking, online carpool sign-up, transit subsidies
      Community partnerships Vancouver Aquarium (collaborates on a number of events and projects including the Ship2Shore program), Let's Talk Science (program to engage kids and educators), Bamfield Marine Science Centre, Science Venture (Actua), City of Victoria (co-signed a protocol of cooperation to collaborate on sustainability, stormwater management, and climate action initiatives), Parks Canada (installed biodiversity monitoring instruments), Race to Zero (international initiative/schedule to reduce carbon emissions)

      Recognized as one of Canada's Best Diversity Employers (2025):

      Here are some of the reasons why University of Victoria was selected as one of Canada's Best Diversity Employers (2025):

      • University of Victoria established the role of vice-president Indigenous (previously associate vice-president Indigenous), who has the responsibility of furthering the university’s commitment to truth, respect and reconciliation -- also central to the role's responsibilities is the development of a strategy that integrates Indigenous cultures, histories, beliefs and ways of being and knowing across all aspects of the university’s mission
      • As part of University of Victoria's equity action plan launch, an action lab process was piloted in 2022 to brainstorm solutions to pressing equity problems, with two prototypes tested -- the first was an assessment tool to embed equitable hiring criteria in response to a desire for applicants to be hired with a wider range of experiences (including lived experience), and the second collected applicant demographic data allowing for a future trend analysis determining which groups are missed or overlooked at various points during the hiring process
      • University of Victoria created an Indigenous Employee Guide to provide specialized support to new Indigenous employees and outline the university's commitment to building relationships with Indigenous communities -- the guide provides an overview of supports and resources available to Indigenous employees, including access to Indigenous Elders
      A University of Victoria team member runs an employee benefits information booth  


        Industry Post secondary schools, university
        Major Canadian locations Victoria BC
        Full-time employees in Canada 3,230
        Management of diversity and inclusion initiatives office of equity and human rights, academic advisory committee on equity and diversity, Indigenous academic advisory council (forum for academic leaders, Indigenous faculty and academic staff, staff of the First Peoples’ House and Student Affairs, and Indigenous students to share recommendations to support Indigenous education, research and engagement at the university)
        Performance management and accountability all the deans submit an annual report to the vice-president academic and provost which includes equity and diversity initiatives (the advisor meets with deans regularly to review goals and strategies for recruitment)
        Employee resource groups Academic Women's Caucus (forum to discuss concerns of academic women), Minority and Indigenous Women Instructors' Network
        Noteworthy diversity strategies and policies office of the ombudsperson, Indigenous plan, vice-president Indigenous responsible for furthering the university's commitment to truth, respect and reconciliation, Elders' Voices program (Elders in Residence provide guidance on Indigenous ways of knowing and being), campus mental health strategy, launched its first Accessibility Plan in 2023
        Recruitment initiatives along with templates and checklists to support fair hiring, postings are shared with organizations who support equity-seeking groups (WorkBC, Inter-Cultural Association, Native Friendship Centre)
        Retention and development programs Indigenous employee guide to provide new hires with general information about working at the university, Central Accommodation Fund (for university employees with disabilities)
        Training and awareness initiatives training on mental health and well-being, gender diversity, Indigenous cultural acumen (foundational information about the colonial context, historical and current, of Indigenous Peoples in Canada), 5 Days of Action with activities to listen, reflect, dialogue, engage and show solidarity, EQHR's Anti-Oppression Education Program (anti-oppression action-based frameworks)
        Diversity highlights First Peoples House on campus (support place for Indigenous and non-Indigenous employees to learn about Coast Salish history, protocol, culture and tradition), established the first chair in transgender studies role to foster research and scholarship, the university's libraries and archives are committed to preserving the history of transgender activists and their associated documents, publications and memorabilia, Provost's Advocacy and Activism Awards (recognizes individuals who work to address systemic or institutionalized barriers), offers the world's first Indigenous law program (students graduate with common law JD and Indigenous legal orders JID degrees that will enable them to help Indigenous Peoples and Canada build enduring political and legal relationships), anti-racism initiative grant (provides faculty and staff with funding to create course materials)
        Highlights from the past year launched Equity Action Plan, which includes guides and new ways to support everyone in taking action, action lab process piloted to identify a pressing equity problem, brainstorm and test solutions, two prototypes underway to explore "how might we create a hiring process where applicants feel supported, heard, valued and that they belong while creating a transparent, accountable, equitable process?"

        The Career Directory

        University of Victoria has been selected for The Career Directory, our guide to entry-level recruitment for recent college and university graduates.
        Employees at the University of Victoria

          Highlights for New Grads

          Industry Post secondary schools, university
          Full-time employees in Canada 2,500 to 5,000
          Major Canadian locations Victoria BC
          Student opportunities paid internships, summer jobs, co-op opportunities
          Training subsidies for professional accreditation, online training, in-house training, mentoring, in-house career planning services, leadership training
          Tuition subsidies (related to job) yes
          Typical new grad positions Administrative Assistant, Project Coordinator, Programmer, Information Technology, Database Administrator, Communications Coordinator
          Work benefits health benefits for new employees, flexible work hours, telecommuting, transit subsidies, employees receive paid time off to volunteer
          Vacation allowance new employees receive 2 weeks of paid vacation after their first year on the job

          Academic fields recruited

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